Program VSHENIG is awarded awards of League of higher education institutions PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM NEFT"

@SAFU im. M.V.Lomonosova
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On October 13 the director of the Highest schools power engineering specialists of oil and gas of FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SEVERNY (ARKTICHESKY) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA", NORTHERN (ARCTIC) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA, SAFU, SAFU NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA Popov Anatoly Nikolaevich and graduate students of chair of drilling of wells, development oil and gas fields Tsarev Aleksey and Freyman Oleg took part in educational action of Gazpromneft — the Campus of internal trainers, teachers and mentors...