He wrote songs for "The Bremen musicians" and "Gentlemen of good luck". The legendary composer Gennady Gladkov] die

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The Russian composer and the author of music more than to 110 pictures Gennady Gladkov died. About it reports Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel of Mash. The first about death of the composer were reported by the historian of culture Nicholas Nikolaevich Podosokorsky in the Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel. Gennady Gladkov died on October 16 Gennady Gladkov died in the apartment in Moscow on Monday, October 16, because of heart troubles. The age became the reason, according to the assistant. Some days before death the composer asked for help physicians. Then doctors diagnosed to it vegeto-vascular dystonia and gave help at home. It is known that in 2014...