Secular backstage: Lukasz Xenia, Korolev Milan, Mikhail Lvovich Kuchment, Antimony  Anna, Ian Yanovsky, Leffers Olga and other guests of opening restaurants CAPO

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Secular backstage: Lukasz Xenia, Korolev Milan, Mikhail Lvovich Kuchment, Antimony  Anna, Ian Yanovsky, Leffers Olga and other guests of opening restaurants Began CAPO the most unloved time of everything who though something will organize in Moscow. Stoppers on 10 points and on 3–4 secular iventa in the city foully accumulate at each other. Further, as we know, is worse, and in December all of us will clutch at all at the head. But … yesterday it not strongly excited us: we had an absolute secular appearance, excellent mood and the tasty menu new restaurants CAPO from the talented chief Sadovsky Rodion. Within ours...