Yegor Mikhaylovich Rukhin: "Aleksey Vasilevsky and Lavrenchuk with full understanding approach to me and to training process, I am very happy to ride in this team"

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The figure skater Yegor Mikhaylovich Rukhin told about problems of last season and transition to new team. – With what it is possible to connect almost full admission of a season last year? If I am not mistaken, you made a speech only at one start. – I had problems by preparation for last season, I fell ill Koronavirus. It could not be restored, wanted to try to hook on a season, but otkatalsya on the Grand Prix and understood that I will not be able because did not recover, doctors forbade me to train. Any period I did not ride. After the championship Russian Federation came to ice, started being rolled, prepare slowly, "razdykhivat" lungs, because it...