Resignation more than bondage

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Resignation more than bondage the Right of governors to dismiss mayors after reprimand is approved in the first reading State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Thursday adopted in the first reading the bill allocating heads of regions with the right to dismiss mayors if a month later after the announcement it the governor of reprimand did not eliminate its reasons. In spite of the fact that among authors of an initiative there were deputies of all Duma fractions, its discussion caused rough discussion and criticism. In reply supporters of amendments declared that it is better to dismiss mayors, than to put them in prison. Photo: Dukhanin Dimitri, newspaper "Kommersant" the Bill was brought in the Duma on June 7 by group...
Andrey Alshevskikh
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of the commission on investigation of the facts of intervention of the foreign states in internal affairs of Russia (Commission State Duma on investigation of Facts of intervention of Foreign states in internal affairs RF)
Aleksey Didenko
Main activity:Politician
Nicholas Ivanovich Osadchy
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Sergei Morozov
Main activity:Politician
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.