Government of Kaliningrad region reports about auction

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Ministry of Economics of the Kaliningrad region informs on carrying out JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VOYENTORG-ZAPAD" open auction in an electronic form on the right of the conclusion of contracts rents a non-residential premise to the address of Kaliningrad, st. of Kirov, zd. 7, pomeshch. 6 (with cadastral number 39:15:121533:6, of 799,7 sq.m). Open auction will be carried out on electronic trading platform groups of Joint-stock company "Gazprombank" by Register number of procedure: GP 344366. Order taking on procedure: till 20.09.2023. Contact person JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VOYENTORG-ZAPAD" Golubev Xenia , ph. %2B7...