A monument to Kosmodemyanskaya Zoe in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi will demolish for the sake of decommunization

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The city hall Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi will coordinate demolition of a monument to Kosmodemyanskaya Zoe information agency "RIA Novosti" the Authorities of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi County of Odessa will consider demolition of a monument to Kosmodemyanskaya Zoe. Officials prepared the draft of such decision, reported Telegram "Decolonization. Ukraine". "To Belgorod-Dniester after all dismantle a monument to Kosmodemyanskaya Zoe near schools" — wrote the author of the channel. According to their information, on a site City administration there was a draft decision on monument dismantle near schools. One of participants of the Dekommunization organization suggested to make it. In July of the power already...
Kosmodemyanskaya Zoe
Suvorova Alexandra
City administration
Government Agency