"In policy I do not want to be got involved, but on the earth — it is difficult". The head "Reserved Pribaikalye" spoke continuous cabins on Baikal

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Umar Ramazanov told about difficulties of reforestation on the burned-out sites Experts of "Reserved Pribaikalye" still restore the sites which have burned out in 2015 of the wood on Baikal — all then in borders of Pribaykalsky national park and Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve 125 thousand hectares of the relic woods were destroyed. But to restore sites it turns out absolutely in small volumes, including because of the law on protection of Baikal. It during press conferences in information agency "ITAR-TASS" was declared on October 8 by the director of "Reserved Pribaikalye" Umar Ramazanov. It reminded that at fires of 2015 suffered...