There was a new issue of the magazine "Two eyelids of the Russian classics" for 2023

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Department of a scientific edition of IMLI RAN Dear colleagues! The new issue of the magazine "Two eyelids of the Russian classics" (2023 Volume 5, by No. 3) it is laid out a site. Pleasant reading! The contents the Russian literature of the XVIII-XIX centuries of Kavazz A. Some Observations on the Importance of the Translation of the Story "The Luminous Resurrection of Christ" in Shaping and Developing the Easter Tale Zhdanov S. S. "Blessed Germany" between emotio et ratio: new aspects of the German spatial figurativeness in "Traveling letters from England, Germany and France" N. I. Grecha Melnik V. I. Raysky and paradise in "Break" Goncharov I. A. Geronimus...