website "Finam.Ru": Placement at the exchange will allow the agroenterprises to attract the additional capital. tools of stock market can be more favorable to agrarian and industrial complex than crediting to companies

@Zerno On-Lajn
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The Agrocompanies, unlike the enterprises working in oil and gas extracting, IT and some other spheres, do not hurry to place the actions in stock market — only units from them there are presented. Though in such placement there is a set of advantages, the head of managements corporate finance told FG website "Finam.Ru" Kurasov Aleksey at conference "the Agroinvestor: PRO plant growing". Strategy of companies on development businesses change. "If earlier companies bought any assets to strengthen the market positions, now many create the venture funds to invest directly...
Kurasov Aleksey
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
PJSC Moscow Exchange
Main activity:Printing services
PJSFC Sistema
Main activity:Finance
Kraft Foods, Inc