In Kharabali district to young and future voters pay special attention

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On October 5, 2023 Within the actions devoted to the 30 anniversary of an electoral system Russian Federation, the chairman of territorial election commission Kharabali district Dvukhvatskaya  Anna and the secretary of the commission Sivolapova Irina met pupils of the ninth classes of average of schools No. 1 of M.A.Orlov of Kharabali. They acquainted future voters with history of elections and types of electoral systems. The chairman of the precinct election commission No. 1526 Nadezhda Sukhorukova carried out with pupils of the 9th class of average of schools villages Zavolzhye the informative game "What Is the Elections". And to check knowledge...
Nadezhda Sukhorukova
Main activity:Cultural worker
Dvukhvatskaya  Anna
Sivolapova Irina
Stepanenko Helena