"I 28 years on civil service": ex-Akim Pavlodar Region about the appointment as chapter FOMS

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Ex-Akim Pavlodar Region Abylkair Skakov a lobby Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan commented today on the appointment as chapter FOMS, the correspondent of Nur. kz reports. Abylkair Skakov commented on a question of, whether lack of medical experience in work as the head FOMS "Will prevent. I 28 years on civil service, at me am experience – 2,5 years worked in the management Department area health care after that when it was appointed Akim, at once my appointment coincided with a big problem – fight with Koronavirus, there got experience", – Abylkair Skakov declared in reply. According to him, fund – more financial institute, which...
Bugaeva Valeria
Main activity:Insurance
Department area health care
Government Agency
Government Agency