The goalkeeper Ilya Lantratov established a record among top-10 leagues Europe

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The goalkeeper of Moscow "Locomotive" Ilya Lantratov reflected 10 of 30 penalties in RPL. It is the best indicator among top-10 leagues Europe. On the second place Edgar Badiya from Football club "Elche", reflected seven penalty. About it reported "Opta Sports". Let's remind that today, on October 7, the match of the 11th round of RPL in which "Locomotive" drew with the Ekaterinburg "Ural" came to the end. The meeting came to the end with the score 2:2. Ilya Lantratov reflected two penalties in a match. Subscribe for the MK-Sport channel LLC "MK-Sport" in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) and receive the first news, articles and photo galleries about sports and athletes! .