Sergey Shoygu expressed condolences to the head of MO Syrie in connection with act of terrorism in Homs

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The Minister of Defence Russian Federation Sergey Shoygu expressed condolences to the head of defensive department Syrie to Ali Mahmoud Abbas in connection with recent attack of terrorists to military college in the Syrian Homs. About it reports the official Telegram to MO Russian Federation. Chapter of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation resolutely condemned the act of terrorism which has caused numerous human victims. Sergey Shoygu emphasized that victims among women and children became consequences of terrorist attack, including. "We divide pain and grief of the Syrian people, those who lost the family as a result of this cruel crime...
Sergey Shoygu
Main activity:Politician
Ali Mahmoud Abbas
Last position: The deputy commander-in-chief - the Minister of Defence (Ministry defenses of Syria)