They already got all! In Rostov-on-Don are going to make allocated strips for elektrosamokatchik

@Telekanal Tsar'grad
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The offer was put forward by the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the region Victor Yefimovich Deryabkin. In Rostov-on-Don for admirers of electroskateboards can equip special separate strips. About it reports a portal 1rnd with reference to conversation between the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Victor Yefimovich Deryabkin and the head Department city transport Shkabarnya Vadim. According to the parliamentarian, questions of regulation of use of electroskateboards are already discussed in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation where solve, what changes are for this purpose necessary. Among other officials think over expediency of introduction of special signs, the organizations of examinations and delivery...