Andrey Klishas and his coauthors are awarded awards for the textbook "State and Right Theory"

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Collective from five authors among whom the chairman COMMITTEE FEDERATION COUNCIL OF FEDERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACCORDING TO CONSTITUTIONAL LEGISLATION AND STATE CONSTRUCTION Andrey Klishas, is awarded awards Government of the Russian Federation in education area for creation of the textbook "State and Right Theory". Also among the authors who have received an award of the edition the rector of РУДН; РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; ФГАОУ ВО "РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМЕНИ ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ" Yastrebov Oleg, professors of it universities Nicholas Vlasenko, Muromtsev Gennady and the First Deputy head of the working device Commissioner for Human Rights in of the Russian Federation Chechelnitsky Ilya. As transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS", in the summary to the textbook it is specified that in it...