Where in Sevastopol from evening of the environment to morning of Thursday will not be water

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Where in Sevastopol from evening of the environment to morning of Thursday will not be water Simferopol, 4 Oct – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" Republic of Crimea. In Sevastopol in connection with carrying out emergency works since evening on October 4 and till the morning on October 5 from networks of water supply will disconnect houses on 35 streets and TSN. The deputy governor of the city Eugenie Gorlov ". Today from 22-00 and approximately till 10-00 our "Vodokanal" carries out emergency works on networks. During work of water will not be", – Eugenie Gorlov reported. From networks for the period of works completely will disconnect houses on more than 20 streets: Radar, Shevelev, Boris Sheynin, journey of the gen. Kolodkina Vasiliya...