The conservative who has accused chapter Ministry internal affairs of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Severnoe district Ireland of a homophobia, brought out of a hall

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Moscow, 3 Oct – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The member of administration London from Conservative party Andrew Boff was brought from a hall during performance of chapter Ministry internal affairs of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Severnoe district Ireland Syu-Ellen Kassiana Braverman after he accused the minister of a homophobia, the newspaper of Yezhednevnaya gazeta The Daily Mirror reported on Tuesday. During the speech the minister scarified the left belief, having declared that they break work of public institutes. ""The high-ranking conservative from London was turned out from performance Syu-Ellen Kassiana Braverman at congress of the Tory after charges of the Minister of Internal Affairs of pronouncing "gomofobny speeches", - is spoken in the TV channel message. It is noted...