Three absolute barriers at introduction of digital technologies in medicine

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For citing: Igor Shadyorkin in medicine. Russian magazine of a telemedicine and electronic health care 2023; 9(2):40-55; of Data on authors: Igor Shadyorkin digital medicine the First Moscow state FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY); Moscow, Russian Federation; Author ID 695560;‑0001‑8669‑2674 RELEVANCE Current trends of developments health care (ZO) are based on the decision...
Igor Shadyorkin
Last position: Manager of laboratories of electronic health care of Institute of digital medicine (FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY))