RS and Korabelka concluded the cooperation agreement

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The Russian sea register of navigation (RS, the Register) concluded the cooperation agreement with the leading center of training of specialists of shipbuilding specialties – ST. PETERSBURG STATE MARINE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SANKT-PETERBURGSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY MORSKOY POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY", SAINT PETERSBURG STATE SEA TECHNICAL UNIV.. The ceremony of signing took place on September 20, 2023 within the XVII International exhibitions on civil shipbuilding, navigation, activity ports, to ocean and shelf development "NEVA 2023". Signatures under the document delivered director general to RS Sergei Kulikov and the rector of ST. PETERSBURG STATE MARINE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SANKT-PETERBURGSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY MORSKOY POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY", SAINT PETERSBURG STATE SEA TECHNICAL UNIV. Gleb Turichin. According to the agreement...