"To the last tried to keep the most valuable and important" - the collective of the Usolsky newspaper left because of nonpayment of salaries

@MK.RU Irkursk
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Edition collective "Usolskoy of the city newspaper" left in full strength because of long nonpayment salaries. Edition reported about it in the last number of the edition of September 28, transfers a site usolie-citi. In the message the collective addresses to readers with the phrase "Forgive and understand us … we to the last tried to keep the most valuable and important – the NEWSPAPER …". In the publication also it is noted that edition already long time does not get paid . It is known that the founder of the newspaper is LLC "INFOTSENTR", formed in 2009. Now company Smirnova Nadezhda owns. It also...
Smirnova Nadezhda