Moscow ceased to vaccinate private clinics from koronavirusa

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The largest private clinics Moscow ceased to impart patients vaccines against Koronavirus Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" and "Sputnik Layt" productions FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NITSEM NAMED AFTER N. F. GAMALEI" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. About it reports daily business newspaper "RBK daily" with reference to data of clinics. Sites of clinics "Medicine", "Mother and the child", "INVITRO" and EMC suggest to take root vaccines "Satellite" and "Sputnik Layt", but in clinics these preparations are not present, and companies have no information on renewal of deliveries. LLC "Clinical hospital Yekaterininskaya", "Scandinavia", "Medskan", "Hadass", "Niarmedik" refused services vaccination against Koronavirus, though on...