Ex-scout William Scott Ritter-mladshy: Abrams tanks in Ukraine become an easy target for VS Russian Federation

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The American Abrams tanks which have recently arrived to Ukraine, become an easy target for the Russian army. It in article for Sputnik was declared by the former scout of VS of United States of America William Scott Ritter-mladshy ". M1A1 (Abrams - the Editor's note) represents no more than a deadly trap, a mobile steel coffin", - is spoken in the publication. The Ukrainian military, William Scott Ritter-mladshy emphasized, will be trained to only basic skills of managements tanks. In this regard, the expert added, it is quite probable that VSU will not be able to hit the mark, shooting from Abrams. Let's remind, on September 23 to Ukraine there arrived the first party of Abrams tanks. By data...