In Poland the world premiere of the film Mourad Ibragimbekov (PHOTO)] took plac

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Baku / Trend Life/-Within XV Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy NNW took place a world premiere of the feature documentary film of the known director and the screenwriter, the winner of the international film festivals, the owner Venetian "A silver lion" and the winner of the Russian film Nika Award Murad Ibragimbekov ANAMA devoted to Agency of Azerbaijan on mine clearing (ANAMA), reported Trend Life the author of a picture. "My history is history about the nation which heals wounds. The image of the nation is a person of the earth who cares of the family, is engaged in the house, economy and...
Mekhtiev Nadir
Agalarov Orkhan
Ragimov Elshad
Musaev Tofig