Helena Vesnina answered a question of completion of career

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The Olympic champion Helena Vesnina told newspaper "Sport-express" that it yet does not plan to finish sports career. "I am still acting athlete. I leave a door for sports open. But plans while are not present, still early to think of it. Still there is time" — Helena Vesnina told newspaper "Sport-express". In May, 2023 37-year-old Helena Vesnina reported about the birth of the second daughter. At the summer Olympic Games-2020 to Tokyo the tennis-player won a silver award in mikste, Aslan Karatsev was her partner. After performance at the Olympic Games the sportswoman never appeared on the court. Helena Vesnina also is about the limpiysky champion of 2016 in...
Catherina Makarova
Main activity:Athlete
Helena Vesnina
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Aslan Karatsev
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis