Hacker Dmitry Aleksandrovich Artimovich: DDoS-attack to Leonardo could happen because of a data leakage

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In a booking system of air tickets of Leonardo there was a failure on September 28. In GARAGE COOPERATIVE "ROSTEKH" informed that it occurred after massive DDoS-attack from abroad. The hacker Dmitry Aleksandrovich Artimovich explained that such it is possible only at the infrastructure miscalculation in system and a data leakage, transfers TV channel 360 °. Thus the expert noticed that DDoS-attack can be arranged only that "well from the outside". The hacker noticed that users of this system generally are airlines. Proceeding from it it is possible to assume that there was an infrastructure miscalculation. However such platforms should not open data about...
PJSC Aeroflot
Main activity:Transport
SC Rostec
Main activity:Public administration