Management company did to the pensioner moral harm: the woman endured two floods

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The woman estimated moral harm at 200 000 rubles, but court — only at 15 000 rubles. City Court of the Gryazi district of the Lipetsk region considered case on compensation of moral harm. The elderly woman submitted claim to the management companies — LLC "GRSU po obsluzhivaniyu zhilfonda". According to the joint press service of judicial system Lipetsk Region, the pensioner is the owner of 1/3 parts of the apartment in which on February 27 this year the kitchen and a bedroom were filled in, and on April 14 — also the drawing room is flooded. In both cases the rush of a pipe the central heatings, passing on an attic was the reason of the gulf. The woman complained...
LLC "GRSU po obsluzhivaniyu zhilfonda"