The group of assistance of police "Tiger" moved to "Badigin's House"

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The staff of youth group of assistance of police "Tiger" is now in "Badigin's House" on the street Kuybyshev, 3, in Penza. The commander of public association Kartushin Aleksey reported about it at a meeting with the chairman of the board of municipalities of area Vyacheslav Demichev. "On new squares of a staff in "Badigin's House" the educational and methodical office for holding training seminars and master classes with fighters of group also will be created", - is specified on the official site of council. Now the staff works over increase in number of the fighters, new cells appear in different regions of area. Group...
Vyacheslav Demichev
Main activity:Official
Kartushin Aleksey
Sudneva Anastasiya