In Kuban condemned the drunk driver from Starominskaya district and confiscated its car

@MK.RU Krasnodar
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City Court of the Yeysk district of the Krasnodar Territory pronounced a sentence to the 24-year-old inhabitant of the Old Minsk municipality, the suspect of drunk driving. The young man found guilty as regards 1 article 264.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation. In the press service Prosecutor's office of the Krasnodar Territory reported that in the middle of August of this year the person involved who has been earlier made responsible as regards 1 article 12.26 Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, took again drunk the wheel. State car inspectors stopped the driver in the village Dolzhanskaya Yeysk district. According to department, medical survey confirmed a state of intoxication at the motorist. Court sentenced the young man by 240 o'clock the obligatory...