Oktyabrsky city district court cities Minsk protected the rights of consumers of educational services in the sphere of social marketing

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Oktyabrsky city district court cities Minsk considered a civil case on claim zayavleniyuoo "Regional society of protection of consumers" (further – CHECHENSKOYE RESPUBLIKANSKOYE BRANCH STD RF) in interesakh25 claimants (further – claimants) D.'s KIP (further – the respondent) about protection of the rights of the consumer. In the statement to court CHECHENSKOYE RESPUBLIKANSKOYE BRANCH STD RF specified that between claimants and the respondent contracts about rendering educational services in the sphere of social marketing, services on providing information, consultation and to personal maintenance in the sphere of targeted advertizing, website "Instagram", sales, to mentoring were signed. Subject of the contract was...