In Solntsevo gallery on October 8 will show the performance "Small Comedies of the Big House"

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25.09.2023 In Solntsevo gallery the theatrical season will open the performance "Small Comedies of the Big House" according to the play of Arkady Mikhaylovich Arkanov and Gorin Grigory. Action will take place on October 8 at 17 o'clock. Performance represents separate short stories about life of the big Moscow house which inhabitants "fall in love, quarrel and reconciled, work and have a rest, dance and sing". Stories are told by actors of the troupe "Characters" under the direction of Pletneva Darya. "The play derides human weaknesses and defects - narrow-mindedness, materialism, practicalness, narrow-mindedness, egoism, infantility", - is spoken in the announcement...