On MARSHAKE-2023 will show "the drawn theater", the rock ballad and a folk horror

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From October 28 to November 6 in Voronezh will pass the IX children's theatrical festival MARSHAK. In its main program — 36 displays of 13 performances of theaters from Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Perm, Kazan and Voronezh. The festival will open premier displays of the performance "Small Torments" (6%2B) which Pechernikova Victoria puts at the Voronezh theater the young viewer. Its new work will connect plastic and drama theater, and also theater dolls. Headliner MARSHAKA-2023 the management calls the performance "Flying Ship" (6%2B), the put Damir Salimzyanov at GKBUK "PERMSKY AKADEMICHESKY TEATR-TEATR". Still...