What available products strengthen heart and vessels

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One inhabitant dies of heart troubles each 30 seconds Russian Federation though to prevent these tragedies it is possible. For this purpose risky inoculations or rare drugs will not be necessary, the most usual are necessary only products which are so easy for sending to a plate. The same pumpkin is larded by organic alcohols — fitostirolami which battle to harmful cholesterol and reduce risk of ischemia. Than still scientists with a world name advise to strengthen the organism motor? In what food which grows on beds at many, fully important for heart of natural aspirin and magnesium? For what raspiarenny products to overpay...
Smitienko Anna
Karimov Daler
Chazov Ye. I.
Gerasimenko Olga
Chub Vladimir
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Main activity:Science and education