Special reporting: The Chinese water preserving technologies serve a hlopkovodstvo in Uzbekistan and to overcoming of ecological crisis of the Aral Sea

@IA Sin'hua
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" Urumqi/Tashkent, 23 September/Xinhua / On cotton plantations of the Uzbek farmer Donaev Sherzod will begin soon harvesting. %5C" we Will receive not less than 5 thousands kg / cotton / with gektara%5s", he surely predicts on September 20, standing on a boundless field. Three years ago such crop would be simply inconceivable. Thanks to the Chinese seeds and technologies, productivity on fields of our interlocutor steadily grows, having increased almost twice, and costs of labor, fertilizers and water were reduced more than half. Since 2020 Donaev Sherzod works at a basis of instructions of experts of Sintszyansky institutes...
Donaev Sherzod
Chen Si