The ex-president Italy Napolitano Dzhordzho died at the age of 98 years

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Napolitano Dzhordzho (Photo: Samantha Zucchi/Insidefoto/imago stock%26people / Global Look Press) the Former President Italy Napolitano Dzhordzho died on the 99th year of life, reports ANSA. He died in clinic "Salvator Mundi" in Rome. Napolitano Dzhordzho was born in 1925 in Naples. In the 1945th entered Communist party of Italy and held there various posts up to party dissolution in 1991. Napolitano Dzhordzho was the deputy in Parliament of Republic of Italy from 1953 to 1963 and from the 1968th on the 1992nd. In 1992-1994th it held a post of the chairman of Chamber of Deputies Italy. From 1996 to 1998 was the minister...
Napolitano Dzhordzho
Political ideology:Коммунизм, марксизм-ленинизм, анти-ревизионизм, евроскептицизм