Representatives of the countries of Eurasia became witnesses of advance of constructions initiatives "A belt and a way"

@IA Sin'hua
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" Changsha, 22 September/Xinhua / this year is noted the 10 anniversary from the moment of initiative promotion %5C" the Belt and put%5s". During this time exchanges and cooperation in different areas within this initiative constantly went deep to what the Chinese and foreign citizens testify. MUSIC is the INTERNATIONAL Yazykandrey Konoshenko Andrey and Koroleva Anastasiya work as teachers in one of musical educational institutions Changde Province of Hunan / the Central China/. After the termination of the Nizhny Novgorod Gosudarstvennaya conservatory M. I. Glinka's name in 2016 they arrived to China. They train in game on...
Konoshenko Andrey
Koroleva Anastasiya
Magdeev Camille
Kazakh national university named after al- Farabi
Main activity:Science and education
Gosudarstvennaya conservatory