"That year was not" so much: what mushrooms and where collect now to Arkhangelsk Region

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Northerners shared photos of the trophies September comes to an end, and inhabitants of Pomorze continue to mushroom in the wood. And white, and krasnogoloviki, and milk mushrooms not only do not come to an end, but also continue to give young growth. The resident of Arkhangelsk Guzeva Vera told 29.RU that in 2023 mushrooms replaced the place in comparison with fall of the 2022nd. — Like the wood about the city there is a lot of, but in those places where collected last year, it is now empty. Went for 3–5 kilometers from the city earlier, and now to have to go for 15 kilometers. Mushrooms went this year much later: in 2022 them brought together in July...