On the allocated Selectel servers there will be a Managed Kubernetes service

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Soderzhaniye2023 Samosbor instead of Dell Technologies Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co.. As Selectel refused purchases ready servers Preparation for service start on expansion of clusters of Kubernetes on the basis of the allocated servers Start of services on rent servers on ARM architecture 2022: Platform start in Amsterdam 2021 Granting configurations on the basis of one-paid personal computers Availability to orders the allocated servers on the basis of Intel Xeon Scalable of the 3rd generation 2019: Introduction of the updated system of managements the allocated servers 2016: The allocated GPU server the Main articles: Servers (world market) Servers (the market Russian Federation) 2023 Samosbor instead of...
Vechersky Alexander
Lepikhin Igor
Mikhaylov Ilya
Anisimov Konstantin
Dell Technologies
Main activity:Communication and IT
HP Inc
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles