"Stoyanov Maxime and the Goose" curtailed on a red path: Wink are represented by guides according to comedy series (It is updated! )

@Vysota 102
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At capital Cinema "Oktyabr" the secular premiere comedy an action series "Stoyanov Maxime and the Goose" (18%2B) which first series become available in videoserviseWink already on July 20 took place. the project companies "the Cinema Universe" and "the Pangolin of Pikchers" were engaged in Production, it will fill up a line of WinkOriginals. The series were submitted by producers Dmitry Shcherbanov ("the Pangolin of Pikchers"), Alexander Ivanovich Kosarim and Antonvolodkin (Wink), the director Pavlov Denise, and also performers of roles: Karpuk Vladimir, Bardo Natalia, Anastasia Anislavovna Samburskaya, Igor Zhizhikin Zhizhikini other. To support colleagues and to look at the first series there arrived star guests, in that...