In State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation designated guilty of a conflict aggravation in Karabakh

@Parlamentskaja gazeta
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Guilty of death of the Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh have to incur the most severe punishment. It was declared by the member of the committee on development of the Far East and Arctic Rose Chemeris ("New people") at plenary session of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on September 21. Events in Nagorno-Karabakh already led to victims among civilians, the number of wounded goes on hundreds, also more than two thousand people became refugees, about a half of them — children, the deputy told. "The situation really the extremely difficult, and that is more important to adjust dialogue, instead of to pass to radical actions from which people" suffer — she added. Aggravation...
Rose Chemeris
Main activity:Politician
Khanov Timur
Political ideology:Центризм, правоцентризм, либерализм, экономический либерализм, коммунитаризм, регионализм.