There was a movie "On Fire" trailer about Amber Lora Kherd

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There was a movie "On Fire" trailer about Amber Lora Kherd in a leading role. Besides it, in a picture Lorenzo Makgovern Dzaini, Kalvani Luca, Jari Gulyutschtschi and others acted Noryega Eduardo. As the director Konor Ellin acted. Amber Lora Kherd. Photo: frame from the movie "On fire" Amber Lora Kherd. Photo: frame from the movie "On fire" Amber Lora Kherd. Photo: frame from the movie "On fire" Amber Lora Kherd. Photo: frame from the movie "On fire" In the movie the actress played the female psychiatrist. The boy who on belief local, we will gain a devil becomes one of her patients. Events are developed in 1899 to Colombia. The world premiere of the thriller took place on...