The authorities decided to prolong terms of registration of businesses in new regions

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The Ministry of Justice suggested to prolong for a year terms of registration of businesses in new regions Russian Federation, follows from new amendments. Not all businessmen have opportunity to keep within the deadline established earlier, the head of department Konstantin Chuychenko specified. The authorities are going to prolong for a year terms of legalization of businesses in four new regions Russian Federation — the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics (Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic), and also Zaporizhia Oblast and Kherson Region. The bill "About modification of Art. 19.1 of the federal law "About introduction in action Civil code of the Russian Federation (part one)" developed Ministry of Justice and...
Denis Pushilin
Last position: Acting as Head of the Donetsk People's Republic
Konstantin Chuychenko
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)
Maria Spiridonova
Last position: Member of association (Association of Lawyers of Russia)
Sergei Lapenko
Last position: Chairman (KPO "OPORA RUSSIA")
Voronina Oksana