To Amur Region the sentence of vessels concerning the inhabitant Selemdzhinsk district, committed murder] entered validit

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The sentence Selemdzhinsk district district court Amur region of 22.06.2023 by which earlier judged 40-year-old inhabitant Selemdzhinsk district is condemned entered validity. He is found guilty of murder (p.1 by Art. 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation). by Court it is established that on January 10, 2023 in the village Stoyba Selemdzhinsk district after drinking of alcoholic drinks, the man during the conflict struck to the acquaintance not less than 8 blows with a knife in thorax area, having caused the injuries which have entailed his death on a crime scene. Taking into account facts of the case and data on the personality the guilty, court established recurrence of crimes in its actions and...