In RII starts a cycle of advanced training courses for religious figures

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At the Russian Islamic institute start advanced training courses for Muslim religious figures "Actual ideas of domestic Islamic divinity for educations, education and youth education", directed on improvement of their professional competences. C25 till September 30, 2023 a framework of the above courses will pass the module "Prevention of religious radicalism: the theory and practice" (in volume of 36 classroom hours) with participation of leading domestic and foreign experts: 1 . Mukhametshin Rafik – the doctor of political sciences, professor, the rector Russian...
Mukhametshin Rafik
Nurgaleev Rustam
Pateev Rinat
Khafiz Ibrakhim
Shagaviev Damir
GNBU "Academy nauk RT", real estate agency PT
Main activity:Science and education
Joint-stock company "University Kazgyuu"
Main activity:Science and education
University al-Azkhar