The Indian movies about love: selection of interesting pictures

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The Indian movies passionately and fascinatingly tell about great love. They strike with deep emotionality and color. Interesting romantic movies presented to IMDb and BollywoodMDB. What best Indian movies about love? IMDb among the best Indian love movies mentions "The doll house", "Dev. D", "Barfi! ", "My love", "96". "The doll house" (2006) What to look at the Indian comedies about love? Watch "The doll house", "Dev. D", "Barfi! ", "My love", "Liars", "The bad guy". Bommarillu Baskar became the director of "The doll house". The romantic comedy was shot on a Telugu...
Ranbir Kapur
Last position: Actor, film producer
Prakash Radzh
Kashyap Anurag
Gill Mahee
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