In Tambov the chamber orchestra Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name] will ac

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The concert will take place within the IV festival of modern domrovy art of PRIMA DOMRA on a scene the Tambov drama theaters. Tomorrow, on September 19, in Tambov the chamber orchestra Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name Tchaikovsky's name will for the first time act. The concert will take place within the IV festival of modern domrovy art of PRIMA DOMRA on a scene the Tambov drama theaters. In the concert program prime ministers and classics masterpieces are planned. The concert for two mandolines Vivaldi Antonio will open the program. Then present two world premieres: concert "Through foliage" for a domra and a violin Podgayts Yefrem...
Grigory Siyatvinda
Last position: Actor, TV host
Andrey Mikita
Last position: Composer, musical teacher
Felix Pavlovich Korobov
Last position: Chief conductor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "MAMT")