40 Lipetsk students cleared away from garbage and a dead wood Nechayev-Maltsevykh estate in Polibino

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Instead of tourist booklets of a shovel and a rake in hands. These tourists arrived to Polibino to combine business with pleasure: to touch history, and at the same time and with cleaning to help. Artifacts – in one corner. Garbage – in another. These observers of purity not professionals, but with experience. Many students of LGPU NAMED AFTER P. P. SEMENOVA-TYAN-SHANSKOGO on a community work day came to Polibino more than once. "We do an important serious work is a preservation of our cultural and historical heritage. And if not we, who? And it has something in common with my profile of training because I study at institute to history and is right LGPU NAMED AFTER P. P. SEMENOVA-TYAN-SHANSKOGO. Therefore here one pluses", – are told by the student of LGPU NAMED AFTER P. P. SEMENOVA-TYAN-SHANSKOGO to them...