The research supervisor of VOLNTs of Polterovich Ran professor Vladimir Ilyin made the report on the Scientific readings devoted to memory of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pawel Aleksandrovich Minakir

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The research supervisor of VOLNTs of Polterovich Ran, the member correspondent of Polterovich Ran Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Vladimir Ilyin took part in the Scientific readings devoted to memory of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pawel Aleksandrovich Minakir, and made the report on a subject "Memoirs about Pawel Aleksandrovich Minakir and its role in formation of the Vologda scientific center of Polterovich Ran". The scientific readings devoted to memory of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pawel Aleksandrovich Minakir, took place within the V Russian economic congress (studies time in three years) in Institute economy UrO RAN (Yekaterinburg). In 2023 more than 1500 scientists, representatives of various schools participate in discussion and the economy directions from 12 countries...