The Kirov landowners reaped nearly 90% of a grain yield of cultures

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Kirov. September 13. new information agency "NTA-Privolzhye" — Landowners Kirov Region reaped nearly 90% of a grain yield of cultures, the press service of Government of the Kirov region reports. It is reported that 273 thousand hectares of grain and leguminous crops, or 89% of the planned area are at present threshed. Landowners needed to harvest from 35,3 thousand hectares. 686 thousand tons of grain are also threshed at average productivity in 25 centners with hectare in originally credited weight. Also landowners conduct gathering potatoes which was dug out on the area of 416 hectares, 11,6 thousand tons are dug out at average productivity of 278 c/hectare. Vegetables are cleaned while on the square...