Kukoch Toni about Yokich Nikol: "It yet did not surpass Petrovich Drazhen, Sabonis Arvidas, Divatsa and Raju"

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The glorified player of NBA Kukoch Toni shared the opinion about center "Denver" Yokich Nikol. "Yokich Nikol perfectly plays. I very well responded about it still when nobody spoke about it. I like its style of game. And it simply takes and does it in each match. It has the mentality, other than others. Basketball knowledge and intelligence – and it is very important aspects – it compensates a lack of athleticism. And you cannot see it at all because Nikola plays in an own rhythm. You will not notice that someone can be faster or dexterous, than it. It will be...
Kukoch Toni
Yokich Nikol
Petrovich Drazhen
Sabonis Arvidas